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Growing Garlic in Plastic Bottles | How to grow garlic at home

2024 Mar 9th

Growing Garlic in Plastic Bottles | How to grow garlic at home

If you're short on garden space but eager to grow your own garlic, don't fret. You can easily cultivate this flavorful herb at home using something as simple as plastic bottles. Growing garlic in plastic bottles not only saves space but also provides a sustainable way to enjoy fresh, homegrown produce. In this short guide, we'll walk you through the steps to successfully grow garlic at home using plastic bottles.

Materials Needed: To get started, gather the following materials:

  • Plastic bottles (preferably large ones like soda bottles)
  • Potting soil
  • Garlic cloves
  • Scissors or knife
  • Water

Steps to Grow Garlic in Plastic Bottles:

  1. Prepare the Bottles: Begin by thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing the plastic bottles. Remove any labels and rinse them with soap and water. Allow the bottles to dry completely before proceeding.
  2. Cut Openings: Using scissors or a knife, carefully cut off the top portion of each plastic bottle. Aim to create a wide opening that will allow easy access for planting and watering.
  3. Fill with Soil: Fill each plastic bottle with potting soil, leaving about an inch of space from the top. Ensure the soil is loose and well-draining to promote healthy root growth.
  4. Plant Garlic Cloves: Break apart a garlic bulb into individual cloves, making sure they are firm and free from damage. Plant each clove pointed end up into the soil, pushing them down gently until they are covered with soil.
  5. Water Thoroughly: After planting the garlic cloves, water the soil thoroughly until it's evenly moist. Ensure that excess water can drain out of the bottom of the bottles to prevent waterlogging.
  6. Provide Adequate Sunlight: Place the plastic bottles in a sunny location where they can receive at least 6-8 hours of sunlight per day. If outdoor space is limited, you can also place them near a sunny window indoors.
  7. Maintain Moisture: Check the soil moisture regularly and water the garlic plants whenever the top inch of soil feels dry. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to rotting of the garlic bulbs.
  8. Watch for Growth: In a few weeks, you'll start to see green shoots emerging from the soil. Continue to care for the garlic plants by watering as needed and providing ample sunlight.


Depending on the variety of garlic you planted, you can expect to harvest your homegrown garlic bulbs in late spring to early summer. Look for signs of maturity, such as yellowing foliage and drying stems. Once ready, carefully pull the garlic bulbs from the soil and brush off any excess dirt. Allow them to cure in a warm, dry location for 2-3 weeks before storing or using them.


Growing garlic in plastic bottles is a simple and efficient way to cultivate this versatile herb at home, even with limited space. By following these easy steps, you can enjoy the satisfaction of harvesting your own fresh garlic to enhance your favorite dishes. Get creative with your gardening and start growing garlic in plastic bottles today!

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