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Fresh Fruits - Musk Melons (BC) - lb

Fresh Fruits - Musk Melons (BC) - lb

Proudly produced from B.C. & Alberta farms

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Fresh Fruits - Musk Melons (BC) - lb | Proudly produced from B.C. & Alberta farms

Taste: Cantaloupe has a juicy, honey-like taste. The flesh of cantaloupe is soft and sweet, making it a delicious summer treat.

Nutritional Info:

  • Very high in vitamins C and A

  • High in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients

When to Find Cantaloupe: We usually carry cantaloupe in the middle or end of August.

Best Uses for Cantaloupe: This melon is amazing in smoothies and yogurt bowls! Try it with mint or lemon juice and honey. Cantaloupe is also a great addition to fruit salads.

?How to Store Cantaloupe: ?Don't cut your cantaloupe until you are ready to eat it! Keep slices in the fridge in a air-tight container with the seeds still in. The seeds keep the flesh of the melon from drying out!

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