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Fresh Vegetables - Peas (Airdrie - AB) - 20lbs

Fresh Vegetables - Peas (Airdrie - AB) - 20lbs

Proudly produced from B.C. & Alberta farms

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Fresh Vegetables - Peas (Airdrie - AB) - 20lbs

Taste: Peas are a fickle vegetable and can often have a bitter edge to them. However, when they're perfect, they have a slightly sweet taste to them that's almost addicting!

Nutritional Info:

  • Contain high amounts of fiber

  • High in lutein, which is a nonprovitamin A carotenoid and acts as an antioxidant, protecting your cells from oxidation

  • Just one cup of peas contain 44% of your Vitamin K which helps to anchor calcium inside the bones leading to healthy bones

When to Look for Peas: Peas usually appear at markets the second week of June and continue on through the summer. We carry both snap peas and shelling peas. 

Best Uses for Peas: Peas make a great on-the-go snack that's nutritious and tasty. Peas are also great for stir frys, salads, and soups! 

How to Store Peas: Don't shell your peas until they're ready to use! Store peas in the fridge in a plastic bag. If you want to freeze them, shell them, blanch them, and chill quickly in ice water. Then pour them into a bag and freeze for the winter! 

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