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Fresh Vegetables - Rhubarb (BC) - 20lbs | In Season

Fresh Vegetables - Rhubarb (BC) - 20lbs | In Season

Proudly produced from B.C. & Alberta farms

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Fresh Vegetables - Rhubarb (BC) - 20lbs | In Season | Proudly produced from B.C. & Alberta farms

Taste: Rhubarb has a taste all it's own. Described by some as "clean tasting," it has a distinct tartness that can often be tangy or sour.

Nutritional Info:

  • Contains fiber, protein, vitamin C, vitamin K, B complex vitamins, calcium, potassium, manganese, and magnesium

  • Very low in calories, with 100 grams of rhubarb containing only 21 calories

  • Rhubarb is a good source of beta carotene and other polyphenolic compounds like lutein and zeaxanthin which act in a similar way to vitamin A, protecting the skin and eyes from the effects of free radicals

When to Look for Rhubarb: Rhubarb has a long growing season, but generally appears mid-summer. 

Best Uses for Rhubarb: Because of its tartness, rhubarb is most often paired with sugar. Whether it's boiled down into a jam or put in a pie with strawberry, this tart root becomes a sweet treat.

How to Store Rhubarb: ?Don't wash rhubarb until you're ready to use it. Wrap it in plastic bag to retain moisture and keep it in the fridge. Be sure not to wash it beforehand!

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