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Organic Juicing Ambrosia/Granny (Cawston, BC) | 18lbs

Organic Juicing Ambrosia/Granny (Cawston, BC) | 18lbs

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Ambrosia Apples

Taste: This gorgeous dessert apple is sweet, honeyed and mild with a soft, juicy crunch.

Nutritional Info:

  • One of the sweetest apples with a sugar content of 17 grams per 100 gram serving

  • Low acid content, making it easier to digest for those with sensitive stomachs

When To Find Ambrosias: Ambrosias are harvested beginning in late September, and are usually available until April.

Best Use for Ambrosias: These apples resist browning even when baked, making this a fantastic dessert apple. Ambrosias are a great partner for cheeses and caramel dips. Even on their own, Ambrosias make a fantastic sweet treat!

How to Store Ambrosias: Like all apples, Ambrosias keep best in your crisper.

Granny Smith Apples

Taste: Granny Smith apples have a bright green skin that is often speckled with faint white lenticels (spots). They are a firm and juicy apple with thick skin with a tart, acidic, yet subtly sweet flavor.

Nutritional Info: 

  • Each apple has approximately 83 calories and very high in fiber.

  • Contains calcium, magnesium, Vitamin A, and C

When To Look for Granny Smith Apples: These apples are summer apples, usually harvested in late August or early September. 

Best Uses for Granny Smith Apples: Granny's are excellent for candied apples, with peanut butter and have a perfect tart flavour. It has the highest Fibre content of all apples and is the best dietary aid to regulate digestion. 

How to Store Granny Smith Apples: Like other apples, keep Granny's as cold as possible (without freezing!). Try keeping them in a perforated plastic bag, as this will allow moisture to escape without losing any of the crispness.

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